Trader Membership Registration

King William Road Traders Association (KWRTA)

Trader Membership Registration

To register your membership with the King William Road Traders Association (KWRTA), please email our coordinator at and we will contact you via email to commence your registration.

The main objectives of the KWRTA are:

  • To promote business interests in the precinct
  • to facilitate the continuing viability and economic development of the Precinct and its surrounds with the support and participation of the whole community
  • To coordinate the efforts of tenants, traders and other persons who work and/or own property in ornery the Precinct for the betterment of the same
  • To implement and maintain program, projects and events which enhance the physical appearance, convenience, safety and appeal of the Precinct and to promote the services available and economic strength of the same
  • To maintain communication with all authorities, levels of government, community groups, agencies and individuals who have an interest in, or be able to assist the objects of the Association.


2018/19 Committee Members

  • Johnny Nasaris – Robbie’s Chop Shop (Chairperson)
  • Ava Abiad – Resident  (Vice Chairperson)
  • Brittany Duregon – Lindbloms Lawyers (Treasurer)
  • Emily Hardy – Denim Iniquity (Secretary)
  • Matthew Hassaan – Bottega Rotolo
  • Simone Ellery – Parisis
  • Daniela Schulz – Hustle Coffee Co
  • Sue Gardiner – Dymocks Books
  • Tamara Kings – Kings Commercial


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q : What is the KWRTA?

A : It is an Incorporated Association formed by the Council nearly 20 years ago


Q : What does the Association do?

A : The objects of the Association are:

  • To promote business interests in the Precinct.
  • To facilitate the revitalisation of the Precinct and its near surrounds with the support and participation of the whole community;
  • To coordinate the efforts of tenants, traders and other persons who work and/or own property in or near the Precinct for the betterment of the same;
  • To implement and maintain programs, projects and events which enhance the physical appearance, convenience, safety and appeal of the Precinct and to promote the services available and economic strength of the same;
  • To maintain communication with all authorities, levels of government, community groups, agencies and individuals who may have an interest in, or be able to assist the objects of the Association;


Q : How is it funded?
A : By a marketing levy on properties on the Road that are designated by the SA Valuer General as “Commercial Shop”. Owners of relevant properties pay the levy with their Council Rates. Most Property Owners pass this on to their tenants either as a separate line item, or built into the lease agreement and rent.

These funds are passed on to KWRTA to fund its activities.


Q : How is the amount of the levy formulated?

A : Each year KWRTA is required to submit a budget to Council for the following Financial Year.

Council calculates the special rate in the dollar required to raise that amount from relevant properties, so the amount varies according to the value of the relevant property.


Q :  How is that amount spent?

A : The Annual Budget is formulated by the Committee and submitted to Unley Business and Economic Development Committee, and then the full Council.

Each year the budget is allocated to a variety of marketing activities. For more information on the activity for the up coming financial year, please contact the King William Road coordinator at


Q : Who manages the budget and activities of KWRTA

A : A committee is elected at the AGM to manage the activities and affairs of the Association. This committee meets monthly.

The members of the committee are elected each year at the AGM of which nominees are voted on by the members of the association.

A part-time Administration & Marketing Coordinator coordinates most of the day to day activities of the Association at the direction of the Committee. The current Coordinator is Chelsea Mattner.


Q : Who are the Members of the Association?

A : The Membership process requires those eligible for membership to apply to become a member, each year. Those eligible for membership are:

  • The principal ratepayer in relation to land within the Precinct which is subject to the Separate Rate imposed by Council will be granted Membership by the Committee as soon as practicable after the receipt of an application form
  • A person who shares the objects of the Association and who is not the principal ratepayer in relation to land within the Precinct which is subject to the Separate Rate imposed by Council may apply for membership by completing an application form and may be granted Membership by the Committee.

NB : this could be the owner, manager or key employee of relevant business

There is no fee to become a Member in either of these categories.


Q : Who is eligible to stand for Committee

A : Anyone who has completed a Membership Form for the relevant year which has been accepted by the Committee is eligible to stand for Committee. Committee Member nominees must have submitted their nomination with a supported recommendation in writing by another member of the association and completed the relevant Membership Form.

If there are insufficient nominations received prior to the meeting nominations will be taken from the floor of the AGM. (All nominations are subject to membership eligibility). Minimum of 6 maximum of 10 Members form the Committee.


For more information about the KWRTA you can:

  • Download the constitution here
  • Meet with our Project & Community manager or a member of the committee

If you would like to meet with a member or members of our committee, please email us at